Mailify's Blog

Tips to improve your email newsletter results, stay up-to-date with our email marketing software features, and stay on the cutting edge of email marketing and newsletter tech news.

Email templates for Mother’s Day

Email templates for Mother’s Day

Mother’s is round the corner. And this date isn’t just a day to treat your mom extra well, but if you’re a business owner this date in the calendar also has serious commercial potential. Mother’s Day is a commercial and marketing in the year. So make sure you’re prepared. In need of some inspiration to […]

Know Your Business’s Worth: The Hidden Value of Email Lists

Know Your Business’s Worth: The Hidden Value of Email Lists

Everyone knows that an email list can make your business more profitable, but did you know that it can also make your business more desirable should you decide to sell it? Learning how to harness the power of an email list to increase your business’s value should be something every business owner considers.   Having been […]

5 idées marketing pour Pâques et le retour du printemps

Le week-end de Pâques arrive prochainement ! En France, on célèbre cette fête le dimanche 4 Avril 2021. Qui dit Pâques, dit aussi chasses au trésor, décorations, les fameux œufs en chocolat tant attendus par les enfants mais aussi par les adultes. 45% des Français achètent des chocolats de pâques, selon l’usine nouvelle. Cependant, cet […]

Our tips to create a newsletter in WordPress

When you have a WordPress website or a WordPress blog, email marketing is one of the best ways to gather and animate your community. If you look at the digital industry scene, you’ll see that marketers, influencers and bloggers work hard to build a list of email contacts for their newsletter. There are two main […]